Weekly Virtual Mass




We are happy to inform you that we are resuming the livestream Masses that began in April when Covid forced so many of us to seek out alternatives to our traditional Sunday Mass.

What began as a temporary solution to closed parishes, evolved into an effective Eucharistic event that brought us together and reminded us that we are all members of one another.

Because of this we have decided to continue our streaming Masses and we invite you to join us every Sunday at 11:45 a.m. EST

To receive invites to each Mass please fill out the form below. If you wish not to use Zoom you can watch it live on our Facebook page. The Mass will also be uploaded to our YouTube Channel a few hours after Mass ends. Starting 02/28/2021 the Zoom code and password will not change week to week.

Mass Email List

Facebook and YouTube


Zoom Information

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 831 3740 9245

Passcode: 345978

Every Sunday 11:45 a.m EST